Improve Account Management: Certified Medical Coder Support
Otolaryngology practices and clinics can improve account management and get better control over their in-house medical billing system by having a certified medical coder on staff. There is a difference between a medical biller and a medical coder, so it is important to understand what is different about each job. You can receive online coding help and support from a healthcare consultant at MD Pro Solutions, who can assist with ENT authorization training, billing support and any other professional services you require. Education and training are also available to help get one of your staff members prepared to take on the responsibilities of a certified medical coder if you want to boost reimbursements and payments.
So What’s the Difference?
The difference between a medical biller and a medical coder are pretty straight-forward and simple. The job of a medical biller is to make sure that the healthcare provider gets paid for the services that they provide to patients. The job of a medical coder is to make sure that the claims made to payers are coded accurately before they are submitted for payment. Both jobs are important, but slightly different. In some offices, one staff member may be doing both jobs. However, even if you only have one employee taking care of your medical billing system, it still pays to ensure that the person you’ve hired is a certified medical coder.
Work directly with your healthcare consultant to provide your staff members with the online coding help, ENT authorization training and support required to improve account management across the board at your otolaryngology practice or clinic. Currently in the medical field there is a demand for certified medical coders, so it is in your best interest to do what you can to help your employees increase their knowledge, education and training to learn how to do this job rather than looking outside to try and hire a new staff member to fill that position. It is estimated by the US Department of Labor that over 35,000 new medical billing and coding experts will be required by 2018.
What Does a Certified Medical Coder Do?
The job of a medical coder is to look at the reports and patient files that were marked by physicians and staff members and translate those notes into simple medical terms that can be used for the purpose of ENT billing and coding. It is very important for the medical coder to accurately understand the services that were rendered and that they be able to properly file the claim so that it won’t be rejected by Medicare or the insurance company. If you are hiring a new certified medical coder, it pays to hire one that specializes in otolaryngology. Working directly with a healthcare consultant can help you to find the perfect new hire for your medical billing system or to train and certify current employees to improve account management.
A professional medical coder should be extremely familiar with medical coding for the procedures, diagnoses and related medical services that are provided to patients at an Ear Nose and Throat practice or clinic. They should also be familiar with a wide range or surgical services, as well as procedures relating to evaluations, clinical management, radiology and general medicine. A well rounded coder who have a strong experience with otolaryngology would be ideal. They also need to know about medical coding rules and regulations, including the latest compliance and reimbursement terms, to help them handle any issues that might come up with denials, reimbursements and bundling.
It is also important to work with a healthcare consultant and certified medical coder to ensure that the entire medical billing system at your practice and clinic is up-to-date with the latest coding and methods. Regular reviews of your billing department will help you to improve account management and discover if anyone is in need of additional training or online coding help to get up to standards. ENT authorization training, credentialing, software support and other educational programs can be used to help to increase knowledge for everyone in your billing department.
Contact MD Pro Solutions for Training & Support
If you are interested in learning more about all of the ways that you can improve account management and streamline your medical billing system, contact MD Pro Solutions. Our team of highly trained and experienced technicians and consultants can provide assistance through online coding help and support, ENT authorization training, billing and coding education, software training and much more. Call today at 508-946-1665 for more information about our services or to schedule a free consultation.