10 Reasons to Outsource ENT Billing and Professional Services

Outsource ENT Billing and CodingHave you ever heard yourself say, “If I could find one good reason I would outsource ENT billing and coding to an outside service?” If this sounds familiar, you will want to keep reading because we have ten reasons why outsourcing billing ENT services to a professional medical billing service can be beneficial to your practice or clinic. ENT billing and coding is the heart of your business. Without it, you would be out of business in no time. If your existing set-up is not performing as it should or if you see a lag between billing and payments, you need to consider outsourcing billing and coding with MD Pro Solutions.

Reason #1 – Improve Account Management

While you might think that outsourcing billing ENT services means giving up control over account management, that couldn’t be further from the truth. When you outsource ENT billing, you gain even more control over the business process, ensuring that all ENT billing and coding is done effectively, efficiently, and according to industry and government regulations. You also gain control over staff and operations in-house by removing the responsibility of billing services from your office.

Reason #2 – Save Money

It might seem like it would cost more to outsource ENT billing to a professional medical billing provider, but when you work with MD Pro Solutions, you can cut down on expenses and make billing even more affordable. You save money up front on salaries, training, support, benefits, and the purchase, upgrade, and maintenance of computers and medical billing software. You can put all of your focus on patient care when you outsource ENT billing, making your existing staff even more valuable.

Reason #3 – Increased Revenues

Most outsourcing billing ENT services providers charge based on the revenues that are collected through third-party payer coding, billing and claims submissions. This helps growing practices by only paying for the services they receive instead of paying the same amount month after month for in-house staff with varying results.

Reason #4 – Faster Payments

Because all we do is professional medical billing, we focus solely on taking care of your accounts to increase claims submissions and boost payment schedules. The faster you get paid, the faster we get paid. It’s a win-win situation when you outsource ENT billing and coding.

Reason #5 – Increased Safety

No more worries about HIPAA issues and security for your medical billing processes. When you hire MD Pro Solutions, you can rest easy knowing that we are 100 percent compliant with all of the latest industry and government regulations to safeguard against hacking attempts or other data security issues. All data is kept confidential and we have the security and infrastructure necessary to thwart common medical data attacks.

Reason #6 – Better Training

Our team of professional ENT billing and coding professionals receive ongoing education, training, and support to stay on top of constantly changing and evolving rules and regulations within the medical billing world. That means no more worries or expenses concerning employee training and support.

Reason #7 – Improved Patient Care

Because you will no longer have to worry about medical billing and coding for your ENT practice or clinic, you and your staff are free to invest all of your time and energy into providing better quality patient care.

Reason #8 – ICD-10 Transition

How well did your team react to the recent transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10? When you are outsourcing billing ENT services to MD Pro Solutions you no longer have to be concerned with regulation changes outside of any new procedures related to your front desk staff for insurance verification and payments. All coding changes and requirements are handled by our staff, which is trained for any new ICD regulation changes well in advance of any posted transition date.

Reason #9 – Specialized Services

Because all we do is work with ENT billing and coding, you can have peace of mind in knowing that we will apply all of our specialized skills to take care of your professional medical billing services. We provide comprehensive reviews and follow-up with all payments to ensure that carriers are paying you what you are due. We track every outstanding claim until it is processed and paid.

Reason #10 – Better Patient Relations

When you aren’t focused on ENT billing and coding, you remove your office from the unpleasant business of imposing and collecting fees from patients. If any financial issues arise, our team can handle any questions in a professional and experienced manner. Happier patients mean better ratings and reviews, which are excellent for your business.

Interested in Outsourcing ENT Billing and Coding?

Contact MD Pro Solutions with any questions or to set up an initial consultation to determine the best course of action for outsourcing billing ENT services at your practice or clinic. Give us a call at 508-946-1665 or use our online contact form to reach a member of our team.