Should You Consider Outsourcing the Billing for ENT Services?
There are many reasons why outsourcing can be beneficial to your Otolaryngology practice. Missed revenue opportunities, improved ENT account management, and increased receipts are just the tip of the iceberg. Outsourcing billing ENT services are not for every physician or every practice. To find out if moving your Otolaryngology billing services to a professional team of highly trained and experienced medical claims processors is right for you, consider a consultation with MD Pro Solutions. We have worked with the medical billing industry for ENT, Ortho, and Plastic Surgery clients for many years and have a solid reputation for providing comprehensive and professional services. What are some of the top reasons for outsourcing your medical billing services? Take a look at the list below for more details on the benefits of outsourcing ENT account management.
REDUCED BILLING ERRORS – When you work with MD Pro Solutions for outsourcing billing ENT services, you get high-quality claims submissions and coding services provided by highly trained and experienced professionals. You can count on our team to deliver accurate, consistent, and comprehensive claims submissions on your behalf to eliminate common billing errors and denied claims.
SAVE MONEY – Believe it or not, it is more cost-effective to outsource Otolaryngology billing services than it is to do it in-house. The cost to hire, train, maintain, insure, pay, and support a professional billing team is significantly higher than what it takes to outsource those same services. Computers, software systems, training updates, and other overhead costs can all be eliminated when outsourcing medical billing services.
BOOST CASH FLOW – Faster payments, more consistent revenue, and increased receipts across the board are all possible when you outsource your ENT billing services with MD Pro Solutions. We only get paid when you get paid, so our goals align with yours and motivate our team to get the job done right the first time to expedite payments.
IMPROVE PATIENT SATISFACTION – When you are no longer focusing on submitting claims and dealing with collections, your ability to improve patient care and provide better customer service becomes a reality. Imagine saving money, boosting cash flow, and increasing patient satisfaction all with one simple change to the way that you do business!
BETTER REPORTING & BENCHMARKING – Part of the services we provide when you outsource Otolaryngology billing services is to deliver monthly and quarterly reporting to help you stay on top of your performance. This not only allows you to ensure compliance for billing services and avoid missed revenue opportunities, but it also offers you the data you need to make smarter business decisions.
REDUCE HR WORK – Another significant benefit of outsourcing billing ENT services is to reduce the amount of work your human resources department has to deal with on a daily basis – no more concerns about coverage issues. When your billing team took sick days or vacations in the past, it would almost certainly mean backed-up claim submissions and delayed payments. Now you don’t need to worry about coverage issues, as we have an entire team ready to process your claims and ensure you receive timely payments.
TRAINING & EDUCATION – A lot of time and money is invested by physicians and practice owners each year to train and educate staff. When you outsource your coding and billing services, you no longer have to worry about training and education for your claims submission team.
MORE OFFICE SPACE – Just think about what you could do with all that extra space if you didn’t have to house all of the workstations, computers, file cabinets, and peripherals at your practice. You might be able to put in an additional exam room, expand on waiting room space, create a more extensive supply room, or increase your own office area. Either way, outsourcing Otolaryngology billing services will give you a lot of space back at your practice or clinic.
Is Outsourcing Right for You?
To find out if outsourcing your ENT account management services to a provider like MD Pro Solutions is right for you, contact our team toll-free by calling 1-800-853-8110. We can answer any questions you might have about missed revenue opportunities and ways to reduce costs simply by outsourcing billing ENT services. We can also schedule a FREE evaluation to help you determine which benefits would impact you the most.